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Volume 6: Imaging of Joints

This volume features 25 articles that cover:

  • Anatomy, technique, and scanning pitfalls of shoulder ultrasounds
  • Bilateral MR imaging of the hand and wrist from early inflammatory arthritis to rheumatoid arthritis
  • Evaluating the articular cartilage of knee joints by adding T2 mapping sequences to routine MR imaging protocol
  • MR imaging for diagnosis and reconstruction of the knee, including clinical importance, possible infection, and follow-up
  • New imaging developments for hip, pelvis, ankle, and foot issues to help identify athletic pubalgia, ligament damage, and bursae development

Imaging of Joints - Volume 6 Online edition is now available for free. Please note there are no opportunities to earn SAMs credits in this volume.

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Series Editor Deborah Levine, MD and Guest Editor Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD discuss the importance of Radiology Select Volume 6 and its topic, Imaging of Joints.


Radiology Select Volume 6: Imaging of Joints Guest Editor

Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD, is a professor of radiology in the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at the University of California, San Francisco. He completed his residency at the University of Muenster in Germany, performed a research fellowship at University of California, San Francisco, and served as a vice chair of radiology at the Technical University of Munich (Germany) before permanently moving to San Francisco in 2003. He currently serves as the chief of musculoskeletal imaging, the clinical director of Musculoskeletal and Quantitative Imaging Research, and the director of the T32 Training Program in Biomedical Imaging for Clinician Scientists. His research focuses on advanced imaging of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, as well as high-intensity focused ultrasound of bone.

To view the Radiology Select Volume 6: Imaging of Joints editorial as it appears in the print edition, please click here.