
Volunteer to Serve on an RSNA Committee

Join the many dedicated professionals who have volunteered their time and expertise to help RSNA carry out its mission to "promote excellence in patient care and health care delivery through education, research and technologic innovation." RSNA's success in achieving its goals in education and research is due to the high level of professionalism of its members and other colleagues who generously share their scientific knowledge and administrative abilities often through volunteering.

RSNA committee members typically serve three-year terms, with the exception of resident members who serve one-year terms. Committee terms begin and end on a rolling basis. Listed below next to each committee is the total number of appointed committee positions.

You can make a difference by serving on one of the following committees. To submit your name for consideration for appointment by the Board of Directors:

RSNA members, please log in before submitting your name to volunteer.

  1. Check the box(es) of at least one, but not more than three, Committee(s) and/or Subcommittee(s) in which you are interested. Your selections will remain in our database for approximately one year.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Volunteer for Selected Committees" button to continue.

All RSNA committee members must be current RSNA or American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) members in order to serve. To apply online for RSNA membership or download an application, click here.

RSNA Committees

    Responsible for prioritizing, coordinating, directing, and monitoring machine learning initiatives under the purview of the RIC. Member duties: participating in launch of RSNA machine learning challenges; assisting with writing white papers or manuscripts related to machine learning; advising RSNA staff on emerging technologies in artificial intelligence for medical imaging; providing direction and oversight of RSNA artificial intelligence activities

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: experience/past participation in machine learning challenges; expertise or operational experience in curation, annotation, and/or public release of datasets; familiarity with current trends in artificial intelligence; interest and experience in machine learning for medical imaging
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: weekly teleconferences; 1-2 in person committee meetings per year (including 1 during the RSNA annual meeting); special summits/gatherings with artificial intelligence vendors and other experts
    Responsible for publishing and fostering adoption of standards for image data and associated information to be used for training and evaluation of machine learning algorithms. Member duties: advising the Machine Learning Steering (MLS) Subcommittee on the development of data standards/processes in artificial intelligence/machine learning; contributing expertise in the development and launch of RSNA machine learning challenges
    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: expertise or operational experience in curation, annotation, and/or public release of datasets; interest and experience in machine learning for medical imaging
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: weekly teleconferences; 1-2 in person committee meetings per year (including 1 during the RSNA annual meeting); special summits/gatherings with artificial intelligence vendors and other experts
    Bylaws and Resolutions Committee (5 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for serving as a fact-finding and advisory committee on matters pertaining to the RSNA Bylaws, including editing and submitting proposals for amendments to the RSNA Board. Member duties: reviewing proposals that have been submitted for amendment of the Bylaws; participating in developing recommendations to the Board

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: familiarity with RSNA Bylaws; experience in a volunteer leadership role in a non-profit organization is helpful; members who have a JD may be interested
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 1-2 hours reviewing proposals (in years when Bylaw amendments are proposed)

    The Committee shall survey RSNA activities and those of other organizations on issues affecting diversity, equity and inclusion in the radiology profession. The Committee will identify gaps and make recommendations to ensure that appropriate programs and tools are available to • Raise awareness and provide education on the importance of DEI of various attributes including but not limited to gender, race, age, religion, sexual orientation, country of origin, and physical ability in our profession; • Promote outreach, recruitment and mentorship for a diverse membership, especially students and trainees; • Identify resources for creating a diverse and inclusive culture, addressing unconscious bias, microaggressions and conflict resolution; • Provide a forum for safe and open discussion on how diversity, equity and inclusion processes are being implemented, nationally and internationally, and offer strategies to improve and sustain this endeavor; • Increase awareness and make recommendations to improve equity and address healthcare disparities for radiology care delivery; • Obtain feedback about effectiveness of Committee recommendations to address identified gaps It is not expected that the Committee will undertake program development on its own, but will ensure that RSNA offers programs that appropriately address diversity, equity and inclusion issues through the Annual Meeting and other RSNA activities and publications.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: formal training or an interest in issues of diversity, equity and inclusion, unconscious bias, and/or underrepresented minorities (particularly in medicine and the radiology community)
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: approximately 15-20 hours per year; several teleconferences; in person committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting; time spent researching diversity topics and preparing presentations for committee-sponsored courses and other educational materials
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.

    Responsible for (a) implementing Board-authorized programs designed to educate and train qualified international radiologists on issues, skills, and technologies not readily available to them, particularly those in low resource nations; (b) pursuing programs, including electronic applications for distance learning, to enhance and elevate the level of radiologic education in low resource nations; (c) providing educational programs and materials at the RSNA annual meeting to raise awareness of RSNA involvement in international education and outreach, as well as spotlighting relevant issues identified through committee programs; and (d) advising the RSNA Board on international issues in radiology education and research. Member duties: participating on at least one subcommittee is expected -- Derek Harwood-Nash (DHN) International Fellowship Program, Introduction to Research for International Young Academics (IRIYA), Global Learning Centers (GLC) Program

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: interest in advancing radiology education worldwide; experience with international outreach is helpful
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: approximately 14 hours per year; 1 teleconference in the spring; in person committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting (as well as preparation and follow up); additional time commitments very depending on subcommittee involvement
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    Digital and Live Education Committee (9 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for (a) developing and recommending to the Education Council an overall education strategic plan for digital and live education; (b) making recommendations regarding the best format for delivering content; (c) implementing long-term and short-term program planning and coordination for all online and spotlight programming; (d) reviewing current course offerings and proposals for new opportunities; (e) evaluating and approving non-annual meeting programming requests from other RSNA committees; (f) establishing best practices for digital and live education; (g) developing and soliciting innovative delivery formats; (h) establishing best practices to assist radiologists with their MOC; (i) performing gap analysis and reviewing all data from the Online Learning Center and other online content; (j) developing and approving new content; and (k) overseeing the work of the Physics Module Subcommittee

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: interest in advancing radiology education worldwide; experience with international outreach is helpful
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: approximately 14 hours per year; 1 teleconference in the spring; in person committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting (as well as preparation and follow up); additional time commitments very depending on subcommittee involvement
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.
    Responsible for (a) ensuring that the RSNA/AAPM Physics Modules meet the needs of radiology residents as they prepare to sit for the physics portion of the Core Exam; and (b) ensuring that the goals of the program and measurable outcomes meet the needs of practicing radiologists to ensure they stay knowledgeable about the trends in physics Member duties: serving as a peer reviewer for at least one of the modules being updated (expected for each year the member serves on the task force); assisting with the maintenance of the modules if author teams are unable to fulfil their duties; assisting the co-chairs in creating the road map for future modules
    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: experience or interest in developing and/or delivering physics education to radiology residents; must be actively participating in the planning, development, and/or implementation of education for adult learners
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: approximately 16-20 hours per year; 1 teleconference/webinar (1 hour) per year to learn about the peer review process; serving as a peer reviewer (July-September); reviewing/responding to author revisions (October-November); task force meeting during the RSNA annual meeting (1 hour typically on Monday or Tuesday)
    Education Council (9 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for (a) developing and recommending to the Board an overall education strategic plan for RSNA; (b) ensuring continuity between all educational initiatives whether annual meeting, online, or live events; (c) setting policies and procedures as needed for all educational initiatives; (d) evaluating and recommending external organizational collaborations as appropriate; (e) overseeing the knowledge index (framework) and review of RSNA’s content on an annual basis to identify educational gaps; (f) performing an educational needs assessment and full educational portfolio review every 3-4 years; and (g) reviewing data and analytics on usage across all delivery formats and identifying areas for content development and sunsetting

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: interest in advancing radiology education worldwide; experience with international outreach is helpful
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: approximately 14 hours per year; 1 teleconference in the spring; in person committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting (as well as preparation and follow up); additional time commitments very depending on subcommittee involvement
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.
    Government Relations Committee (9 Appointed Members)

    The Government Relations Committee will create and execute a government outreach strategy aligned with RSNA’s mission. The first charge of the committee will be to more narrowly refine the objectives of RSNA’s government outreach strategy. The committee may also engage in (but not be limited to): a) Establishing and developing relationships with key stakeholders; b) Developing an outreach program to initiate and foster these relationships; c) Amplifying radiology’s voice with key federal government stakeholders and promoting greater understanding of the value of radiology and biomedical imaging innovation; d) Familiarizing RSNA members with RSNA’s government outreach initiatives and equipping stakeholders with the necessary information, tools and resources to effectively communicate within their communities and with key decision-makers and to successfully apply for governmental contracts as appropriate; and e) Educating RSNA members about policymaking and federal agencies and empowering them with ways to become a voice for imaging throughout their careers.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: interest in advancing radiology education worldwide; experience with international outreach is helpful
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: approximately 14 hours per year; 1 teleconference in the spring; in person committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting (as well as preparation and follow up); additional time commitments very depending on subcommittee involvement
    • Work within the charge of the Government Relations Committee • Outreach activities to RSNA members: training and education programming and grassroots activities • Consult on content for stakeholder engagement
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.
    •Work within the charge of the Government Relations Committee •Work will impact Policy, Regulation and Legislation related to issue area •Outreach activities: advisory committee engagement, collaborations, briefing/panel participation, and comment letter submission •Work on research initiatives (bill, funding, contract/agreement) •Develop and foster relationships with key stakeholders •Develop and foster relationships with other professional societies
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.
    •Work within the charge of the Government Relations Committee •Work will impact Policy, Regulations and Legislation related to issue area •Outreach activities: advisory committee engagement, collaborations, briefing/panel participation, and comment letter submission •Develop and foster relationships with key stakeholders •Develop and foster relationships with other professional societies
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.
    Health Equity Committee (13 Appointed Members)

    The Health Equity Committee will use a scientific, measured, results-oriented approach to reduce imaging disparities, and through its work, empower RSNA members to do the same.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: Qualifications – interest and expertise in any area of health equity
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: Time commitment – Up to four committee meetings per year including both virtual and in-person.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.
    Informatics Policy Committee/RIC (6 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for (a) identifying and tracking national and international health informatics policy initiatives with informatics-related implications; (b) assessing informatics policy impact on RSNA members, programs, and collaborations; (c) informing the RIC to ensure that appropriate actions are considered and recommended to the RSNA Board; (d) summarizing informatics policy developments for RSNA publications; and (e) supporting RSNA's efforts to promote consistent messaging with other radiology organizations. Member duties: advising the RIC regarding changes and developments in health policy regulations; contributing expertise to informatics projects

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: interest, education, or experience in public health administration; knowledge of US government policies and regulations
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 4 teleconferences per year; in person committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting

    Responsible for providing input and oversight for the IHE radiology planning and technical committees to ensure that their work reflects the clinical priorities of radiologists and serves the goal of enhancing patient care. Member duties: reviewing and commenting on work items, proposals, and documents published by the IHE radiology committees; reporting to the RIC on ongoing activities of IHE committees

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: interest/expertise in medical informatics, radiology information systems, electronic health records, interoperability, and health data standards
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 3-4 teleconferences per year; in person IHE radiology committee meetings during the RSNA annual meeting

    Responsible for (a) coordinating activities of the Regional Committees; (b) providing advice to the RSNA Board on the certain issues, RSNA activities, and programs -- including publications, governance, educational programs (including those outside the annual meeting and web-based resources), science and research, annual meeting, and promotion of RSNA membership, products, and services internationally -- particularly as they impact international radiologists, RSNA members, and RSNA annual meeting attendees; and (c) developing topics to be discussed at the international trends meeting held in conjunction with the RSNA annual meeting.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: interest/expertise in medical informatics, radiology information systems, electronic health records, interoperability, and health data standards
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 3-4 teleconferences per year; in person IHE radiology committee meetings during the RSNA annual meeting
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    Responsible for representing Asia/Oceania and its interaction with RSNA by committee members serving as representatives from the region and providing direction on how RSNA can most effectively engage members in this area. Member duties: providing recommendations for potential speakers, moderators, thought leaders, and corporate partners in respective region; facilitating membership enrollment, retention, and subscriptions in respective region; assisting in coordinated outreach efforts; assisting RSNA with presence at local, national, or regional meetings; assisting with the development of international initiatives
    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: radiologist from Asia and/or Oceania with a strong understanding of the radiology community in the region; current residence in Asia and/or Oceania is not a requirement but the volunteer must have extensive professional experience in the region
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: in person committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting; 1 conference call per year; 1-2 hours per year reviewing submissions for travel stipend program; other country-specific initiatives as needed
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.
    Responsible for representing Europe and its interaction with RSNA by committee members serving as representatives from the region and providing direction on how RSNA can most effectively engage members in this area. Member duties: providing recommendations for potential speakers, moderators, thought leaders, and corporate partners in respective region; facilitating membership enrollment, retention, and subscriptions in respective region; assisting in coordinated outreach efforts; assisting RSNA with presence at local, national, or regional meetings; assisting with the development of international initiatives.
    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: radiologist from Europe with a strong understanding of the radiology community in the region; current residence in Europe is not a requirement but the volunteer must have extensive professional experience in the region
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: in person committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting; 1 conference call per year; 1-2 hours per year reviewing submissions for travel stipend program; other country-specific initiatives as needed
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.
    Responsible for representing Latin America and its interaction with RSNA by committee members serving as representatives from the region and providing direction on how RSNA can most effectively engage members in this area. Member duties: providing recommendations for potential speakers, moderators, thought leaders, and corporate partners in respective region; facilitating membership enrollment, retention, and subscriptions in respective region; assisting in coordinated outreach efforts; assisting RSNA with presence at local, national, or regional meetings; assisting with the development of international initiatives
    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: radiologist from Latin America with a strong understanding of the radiology community in the region; current residence Latin America is not a requirement but the volunteer must have extensive professional experience in the region
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: in person committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting; 1 conference call per year; 1-2 hours per year reviewing submissions for travel stipend program; other country-specific initiatives as needed
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.
    Responsible for representing the Middle East/Africa and its interaction with RSNA by committee members serving as representatives from the region and providing direction on how RSNA can most effectively engage members in this area. Member duties: providing recommendations for potential speakers, moderators, thought leaders, and corporate partners in respective region; facilitating membership enrollment, retention, and subscriptions in respective region; assisting in coordinated outreach efforts; assisting RSNA with presence at local, national, or regional meetings; assisting with the development of international initiatives
    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: radiologist from the Middle East and/or Africa with a strong understanding of the radiology community in the region; current residence in the Middle East and/or Africa is not a requirement but the volunteer must have extensive professional experience in the region
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: in person committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting; 1 conference call during the year; 1-2 hours reviewing submissions for travel stipend program; other country-specific initiatives as needed
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.

    The Outstanding Community Impact Award aims to recognize one individual per year who has made significant contributions to the radiologic sciences and substantial impact on patient care through service to the community. The Outstanding Community Impact Award Committee will be responsible for reviewing nominations and making recommendations to the Board annually.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: interest/expertise in medical informatics, radiology information systems, electronic health records, interoperability, and health data standards
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 3-4 teleconferences per year; in person IHE radiology committee meetings during the RSNA annual meeting
    Professionalism Committee (11 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for (a) staying current with the American Board of Radiology, American Board of Medical Specialties/Council of Medical Specialty Societies/Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education requirements for competency in professionalism and with the statements on, developments in, and resources for professionalism in other medical specialties; (b) periodically reviewing RSNA educational activities and resources to determine if they strengthen radiologists' understanding of and ability to carry out their responsibilities as professionals; and (c) recommending and helping develop activities and resources in professionalism and periodically evaluating and revising them.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: formal training and/or an interest in issues of ethics and professionalism in medicine (particularly professional issues in radiology)
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: approximately 10-15 hours per year; several teleconferences; in person committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting; time spent preparing presentations for committee-sponsored courses and other educational materials
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.

    Responsible for (a) serving as a media relations source on subject matter related to a particular subspecialty and speaking with the media on topics of public interest; (b) recommending other spokespersons appropriate to a subject; (c) reviewing press releases and news features for scientific accuracy; and (d) helping to develop and maintain familiarity with RSNA position statements and talking points on topics of public interest.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: expertise in one or more radiologic specialty areas; willingness to express an opinion to the media on sometimes controversial issues; willing to serve as a “second opinion" expert on research presented in press releases during the RSNA annual meeting and throughout the year; multilingual skills helpful
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: need to respond to media inquiries in a timely manner when contacted by RSNA staff (on average 2-3 times annually); PIAN luncheon/meeting during the RSNA annual meeting
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    Public Information Committee (PIC) (11 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for (a) developing and overseeing the public information activities, programs, and position statements of the RSNA; (b) making public information activity recommendations to the RSNA Board based on needs assessment, the RSNA strategic plan, and evaluations of existing programs/activities; and (c) evaluating current public information programs and making appropriate modifications to ensure effectiveness.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: expertise in one or more radiologic specialty areas; willingness to express an opinion to the media on sometimes controversial issues; willing to serve as a “second opinion" expert on research presented in press releases during the RSNA annual meeting and throughout the year; multilingual skills helpful
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: approximately 25-30 hours annually; 1 full day in person committee meeting and 2-3 teleconferences per year; committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.
    Quality Improvement Committee (QIC) (15 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for implementing a continuous quality improvement (QI) initiative in order to advance the science of quality value proposition to radiologists through RSNA-led education and research, specifically (a) overseeing the QI education efforts of the RSNA including courses at the RSNA annual meeting and standalone courses; (b) creating and monitoring the RSNA QI certificate programs; and (c) monitoring QI requirements of the governmental agencies and others to ensure RSNA programs and products are responsive to mandates. Member duties: reviewing QI report abstracts; reviewing/scoring posters and making recommendations for the QI report award; planning the QI symposium; participating on a subcommittee that works on the quality certificate program

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: demonstrated interest in radiology and health care quality issues and programs (such as serving as a quality officer, authoring publications in quality and health policy, etc.); some previous experience in CQI programs
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 1-2 teleconferences per year; in person committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting (Monday); 1 full day in person committee meeting for program review and development at the RSNA headquarters office in IL (some years)
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.
    Quantitative Imaging Committee (QUIC) (11 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for demonstrating the value and practicality of quantitative imaging biomarkers within radiology and the broader medical community, specifically (a) educating the radiology community about the importance of quantitative imaging (QI), availability of QI Profiles, and tools to encourage standardization, (b) assembling QI stakeholders to assess status and needs/gaps in QI, (c) collaborating with imaging organizations and vendors to promote QI and standardization, (d) promoting the association of QI for AI among RSNA members, (e) outreach to stakeholders to proactively address end-user needs and advance the adoption of Profiles, including stakeholders from academia, industry, regulatory agencies, patient advocacy groups, and medical imaging societies.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: Interest in increasing awareness, understanding, and implementation of quantitative imaging within the radiology community
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: Approximately 20 hours per year; 1 half-day in person meeting in the fall at the RSNA headquarters office in IL; 6 teleconferences per year; in person committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting (Wednesday); and various workgroup teleconferences.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.
    Radiology Informatics Council (RIC) (11 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for (a) promoting education and research regarding critical emerging technologies and digital imaging and health care information systems; and (b) fostering cooperation among the imaging professions and industries to drive innovation and advance the quality and efficiency of patient care through technology. Member duties: advising RSNA staff regarding emerging data technologies in medical imaging; becoming involved in project-focused subcommittees is encouraged.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: expertise and interest in medical informatics; operational experience in clinical and research applications in informatics; subspecialty training in medical informatics desirable
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 1 teleconference per year; at least 3 in person committee meetings per year (including 1 during the RSNA annual meeting on Tuesday); additional participation in project activities outside of meetings
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.
    RadLex Committee/RIC (18 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for developing and maintaining the RadLex radiology lexicon, which includes terms for salient aspects of an imaging examination such as modality, technique, visual features, anatomy, and pathology. Member duties: providing expertise and advisement in the evaluation and maintenance of RadLex lexicon

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: interest/expertise in medical informatics, ontologies, reporting, and data analysis; familiarity of other standardized ontologies desirable (e.g. SNOMED, LOINC, etc)
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 4 teleconferences (1 hour each) per year; 2 full day in person committee meetings per year (including 1 during the RSNA annual meeting)
    Reporting Informatics Committee/RIC (16 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for evaluating and developing reporting standards, processes, and tools that enable radiology information to be captured, stored, and presented in a clear, organized, and consistent format. Member duties: participating in the development, evaluation, and curation of RSNA structured reporting templates; advising RSNA staff regarding special projects with reporting vendors and demonstrations during the RSNA annual meeting

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: interest/expertise in RSNA structured reporting templates; familiarity with RSNA Common Data Element (CDE) project and RSNA RadLex lexicon; familiarity with the IHE MRRT profile desirable; familiarity with T-Rex template editor desirable
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 4 teleconferences per year; 2 in person committee meetings per year (including 1 during the RSNA annual meeting)
    Research Development Committee (RDC) (17 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for (a) developing and implementing programs to promote high quality research and well-trained researchers throughout the radiologic community; (b) identifying and disseminating operational, training, and funding models for use by academic departments to leverage research funding opportunities; and (c) exploring interdisciplinary and interorganizational collaboration opportunities to optimize research partnerships and funding opportunities in the radiologic community. Member duties: participating on subcommittees including overseeing and/or planning research development workshops; serving as a liaison to RSNA research development programs; participating in small workgroups

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: history of having conducted research in radiology or the radiological sciences
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: approximately 20 hours per year; 1 full day in person meeting in the summer at the RSNA headquarters office in IL; 1-2 teleconferences per year; in person committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting (Tuesday)
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.
    Resident and Fellow Committee (RFC) (26 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for (a) advising the RSNA Board on the need for and effectiveness of RSNA programs for members-in-training; (b) identifying, developing, and promoting relevant programming for RSNA members-in-training at the RSNA annual meeting through liaison relationships with the Scientific Program Committee, Refresher Course Committee, Education Exhibits Committee, Radiology Informatics Committee, and other committees as appropriate; (c) nominating interested members-in-training for consideration by the RSNA Board for appointment to RSNA committees; (d) providing input on resident/fellow resources on RSNA.org; (e) providing input on resources for residents attending the annual meeting (lodging, restaurants, transportation, viewing the exhibits, etc.); (f) providing input on social networking tools utilized by RSNA; (g) convening groups of trainees to discuss issues of common concern; (h) promoting and encouraging RSNA membership; (i) authoring relevant articles for RSNA publications/blogs; and (j) providing input on career development resources. Member duties: participating on at least one subcommittee is typically expected -- Communications Subcommittee, Diversity and Inclusion Subcommittee, Medical Student Outreach Subcommittee, Program Subcommittee, RadioGraphics Subcommittee, Wellness Subcommittee

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: enrolled in a current diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine, or radiation oncology residency program or current fellowship program; interest in working to enhance the RSNA programs for members-in-training
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: in person committee meeting at the RSNA headquarters office in IL; in person committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting; additional time commitments vary depending on subcommittee involvement
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.

    Responsible for (a) reviewing content on the website (www.RadiologyInfo.org), formatting regularly, and updating as needed; (b) helping improve communications between physicians and their patients; and (c) collaborating with the ACR and other radiology organizations where appropriate to ensure that the information provided to the public is of the highest possible quality.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: interest in increasing public awareness and understanding of radiology
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: approximately 25-30 hours per year; 1 in person committee meeting; periodic teleconferences
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.

    Responsible for overseeing creation, publication, maintenance, and adoption of a set of radiology-specific CDEs for reporting, decision support, and other applications including (a) overseeing contributions to the RadElement.org library of CDEs ; (b) overseeing the RadElement.org website ; (c) defining the format and data model that CDEs will conform to ; (d) organizing and providing direction to subspecialty working groups to develop CDEs within their respective domains ; and (e) approving the incorporation of each new data element in the RadElement.org CDE library. Member duties: participating in CDE subspecialty working groups when necessary (i.e. Neuro CDE workgroup); advising RSNA staff on emerging technologies in medical ontologies and standards; participating in the planning of CDE demonstrations during the annual meeting including engagement with industry leaders and vendors

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: interest/expertise in medical informatics, ontologies, reporting, and data analysis; familiarity with RSNA structured reporting templates and RSNA RadLex lexicon
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 4 teleconferences per year; 1-2 in person committee meetings per year (including 1 during the RSNA annual meeting)
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.
    Science Council (10 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for: (a) developing and overseeing the science vision and initiatives of RSNA; (b) fostering innovation in imaging research and technology; (c) monitoring emerging trends in imaging research and technology; (d) providing direction for designing and implementing year-round educational and communications programs that advance the science and technology of imaging; (e) advising the RSNA Board and Annual Meeting Program Planning Committee on knowledge gaps in imaging science and technology development; (f) exploring interdisciplinary and interorganizational collaboration opportunities to optimize research partnerships and funding opportunities in the radiologic community.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: interest/expertise in medical informatics, ontologies, reporting, and data analysis; familiarity with RSNA structured reporting templates and RSNA RadLex lexicon
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 4 teleconferences per year; 1-2 in person committee meetings per year (including 1 during the RSNA annual meeting)
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.

    Responding to the requests for RSNA-representative authors and endorsement of white papers, position statements and guidelines. The committee’s charge does not include drafting or development of RSNA white papers, statements, or guidelines. • Establish and maintain criteria for RSNA participation in and/or endorsement of white papers, statement, and guidelines. • Evaluate requests and make recommendations to the RSNA Board based as needed. • Identify potential authors in response to external requests. • Identify expert peer reviewers and facilitate topic-specific peer review of white papers, statements, and guidelines submitted to RSNA for endorsement. • Liaise with external requestors to coordinate collaborative efforts in accordance with timelines. • Responds to requests on an as needed basis.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: interest/expertise in medical informatics, ontologies, reporting, and data analysis; familiarity with RSNA structured reporting templates and RSNA RadLex lexicon
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 4 teleconferences per year; 1-2 in person committee meetings per year (including 1 during the RSNA annual meeting)
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.

RSNA Committees for Publications

    Publications Council (7 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for (a) monitoring all existing RSNA publication programs; (b) exploring new concepts in publication; and (c) coordinating publishing efforts to achieve the best utilization of RSNA resources.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: overarching interest in the value and future advancement of RSNA publications
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 2 day in person meeting in March at the RSNA headquarters office in IL
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    RadioGraphics Editorial Board (62 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for assisting the Editor in Chief in the creation of a peer-reviewed journal devoted exclusively to radiology-related education exhibits, evolving technology, high-quality digital imaging, and continuing medical education

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: overarching interest in the value and future advancement of RSNA publications
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 2 day in person meeting in March at the RSNA headquarters office in IL
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    Radiology Advances Editorial Board (28 Appointed Members)

    The Editorial Board is responsible for assisting the Editor in the creation of a peer-reviewed journal providing the authoritative reference for the most current, clinically relevant, and highest quality open-access research in the field of radiology.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: overarching interest in the value and future advancement of RSNA publications
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 2 day in person meeting in March at the RSNA headquarters office in IL
    Radiology Editorial Board (160 Appointed Members)

    Editorial board members begin as peer reviewers. Submitting your name for consideration will add you to a pool of candidates for peer reviewers. High performers will be considered for Editorial Board positions. The Editorial Board is responsible for assisting the Editor in Chief in the creation of a peer-reviewed journal providing the authoritative reference for the most current, clinically relevant, and highest quality research in the field of radiology. Member duties: reviewing manuscripts and preparing detailed comments for the Editor and the authors.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: individuals who have published numerous articles in scientific journals; individuals familiar with research study design and the components of a report of original research; individuals who spend some or all of their time in research; members-in-training are welcome to submit their name for consideration for mentored peer review
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: approximately 4-6 hours reviewing the average manuscript and preparing comments
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.
    Responsible for reviewing/evaluating the nominated articles, selecting the award winner, and forwarding the winner to the Editor of Radiology for final approval.
    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: iconic radiologists with extensive experience in evaluating scientific articles and research
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: less than 10 hours reviewing articles (July)
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.

    Editorial board members begin as peer reviewers. Submitting your name for consideration will add you to a pool of candidates for peer reviewers. High performers will be considered for Editorial Board positions. The Editorial Board is responsible for assisting the Editor in Chief in the creation of a peer-reviewed journal providing the authoritative reference for the most current, clinically relevant, and highest quality research in the field of radiology. Member duties: reviewing manuscripts and preparing detailed comments for the Editor and the authors

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: individuals who have published numerous articles in scientific journals; individuals familiar with research study design and the components of a report of original research; individuals who spend some or all of their time in research; members-in-training are welcome to submit their name for consideration for mentored peer review
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: approximately 4-6 hours reviewing the average manuscript and preparing comments
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.

    Editorial board members begin as peer reviewers. Submitting your name for consideration will add you to a pool of candidates for peer reviewers. High performers will be considered for Editorial Board positions. The Editorial Board is responsible for assisting the Editor in Chief in the creation of a peer-reviewed journal providing the authoritative reference for the most current, clinically relevant, and highest quality research in the field of radiology. Member duties: reviewing manuscripts and preparing detailed comments for the Editor and the authors

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: individuals who have published numerous articles in scientific journals; individuals familiar with research study design and the components of a report of original research; individuals who spend some or all of their time in research; members-in-training are welcome to submit their name for consideration for mentored peer review
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: approximately 4-6 hours reviewing the average manuscript and preparing comments
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.

    Editorial board members begin as peer reviewers. Submitting your name for consideration will add you to a pool of candidates for peer reviewers. High performers will be considered for Editorial Board positions. The Editorial Board is responsible for assisting the Editor in Chief in the creation of a peer-reviewed journal providing the authoritative reference for the most current, clinically relevant, and highest quality research in the field of radiology. Member duties: reviewing manuscripts and preparing detailed comments for the Editor and the authors

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: individuals who have published numerous articles in scientific journals; individuals familiar with research study design and the components of a report of original research; individuals who spend some or all of their time in research; members-in-training are welcome to submit their name for consideration for mentored peer review
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: approximately 4-6 hours reviewing the average manuscript and preparing comments
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.
    RSNA News Editorial Board (9 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for (a) providing general editorial direction for the magazine; (b) reviewing the content plans; (c) suggesting areas of interest for articles; and (d) reviewing and approving articles prior to publication.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: interest in construction and review of articles and other content intended to inform readers of a broad spectrum of issues related to radiology
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: approximately 10-12 hours per year spent reviewing articles; 1-2 teleconferences per year; in person committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.

RSNA Committees for the Scientific Assembly

    AMPPC is responsible for (a) developing and recommending to the Education Council an overall education strategic plan for the annual meeting; (b) implementing long-term and short-term program planning and coordination for the annual meeting; (c) reviewing annual meeting format and evaluating and making recommendations for course offerings and new course topics; (d) developing and administering guidelines for retiring courses and/or refresher course tracks; (e) determining appropriate amount of redundancy in course topics; (f) developing and soliciting innovative delivery formats; (g) evaluating and approving programming requests from other RSNA committees (RFC, PIC, RIC, etc); (h) recommending education course formats annually (case-based, essentials); (i) reviewing and recommending policies, including guidelines and procedures to prevent use of plagiarized material; (j) considering complaints regarding unauthorized use of content; and (k) developing suggestions for hot topics as well as plenary topics and speakers for consideration by the Board The AMPPC oversees the Education Exhibits Award Committee (EEAC) and 18 subspecialty subcommittees that coordinate all programming across the annual meeting in the designated specialty and are responsible for (l) administering the education exhibits program; (m) organzing curriculum and selecting faculty for invited education courses; (n) building the mixed science/education program; (o) administering the science program, soliciting new content and presenters as appropriate; (p) developing invited lecturer presentations with consideration of diversity of faculty; and (q) implementing/incorporating new course formats, guidelines, and policies identified by the AMPPC

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: interest in construction and review of articles and other content intended to inform readers of a broad spectrum of issues related to radiology
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: approximately 10-12 hours per year spent reviewing articles; 1-2 teleconferences per year; in person committee meeting during the RSNA annual meeting
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    Daily Bulletin Editorial Board (14 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for oversight of the editorial policy and content of the RSNA Daily Bulletin, working in conjunction with the appropriate staff and committees throughout the year and during the RSNA annual meeting.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: interest in construction and review of articles and other content intended to inform readers of a broad spectrum of issues related to radiology
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 1-2 teleconferences per year; approximately 10-12 hours reviewing content throughout the year and at the RSNA annual meeting; in person committee meeting during the annual meeting
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.

    Responsible for reviewing education exhibits at the RSNA annual meeting and determining the award recipients. Member duties: reviewing online exhibits leading up to the annual meeting; reviewing educational posters at the annual meeting; working with subspecialty team to determine awards

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: expert in a field of radiology
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 3-5 hours in mid/late November grading exhibits online; In person committee meeting during annual meeting at noon on Sunday. Multiple small group meetings during the annual meeting to determine awards (Sunday – Monday). If not attending the annual meeting in person, a zoom meeting with the team capatain is required, and possible small group zoom meetings Sunday and Monday.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    Technical Exhibits Committee (3 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for (a) reviewing/accepting applications for commercial exhibit space at the RSNA annual meeting, considering the relevance to radiologists and allied scientists; and (b) implementing/monitoring RSNA’s policies and regulations related to exhibiting during the meeting. Member duties: attending the annual meeting, monitoring the exhibit halls, and welcoming new exhibitors; providing feedback to staff/leadership regarding the technical exhibition.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: general interest in annual meeting; knowledge of products and services directly and peripherally related to radiology
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: minimal; must attend the RSNA annual meeting -- 2 shifts (3.5 hours each) monitoring the exhibit hall; in person committee meeting during the annual meeting (Sunday)
    • Members-in-Training may be appointed.

RSNA Research & Education Foundation Committees

    Fund Development Committee (12 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for developing, recommending, and reviewing all fundraising programs and related benefits of the R&E Foundation, including giving programs for individuals, corporations, and practice groups.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: The members of the committee include the chairs of the Individual Giving, Corporate Giving, and Visionaries in Practice Giving Subcommittees. During a special campaign, the committee may be expanded to include campaign chairs or co-chairs. In addition to the subcommittee chairs, and any campaign chairs or co-chairs, there are two at large members. If a subcommittee includes a vice chair during a specific year, the vice chair shall serve as a member of the Fund Development Committee as well. All Fund Development Committee members should have an interest and/or experience in fundraising and desire to support the mission of the R&E Foundation.
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: Participation in one two hour conference call and a 1-hour meeting held during the Annual Meeting.
    Grant Program Committee (2 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for (1) periodic review of policies and procedures of all existing programs; (2) recommending and developing new and revised grant/award programs to be implemented by the Foundation; and (3) the activities of the Education Study Section, Radiology and Radiation Oncology Research Study Sections, and the Medical Student Grant Review Panel.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: The members of the committee include the chairs of the Education and Research Study Sections. The RSNA Science Liaison, the Editor of Radiology, the Editor of RadioGraphics, the chair of the RSNA Research Development Committee, and one appointed international member. If a study section or other RSNA entity has a vice-chair during a specific year, that individual will also serve on the committee.
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: Participation in two 1-hour teleconferences throughout the year.
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    Responsible for evaluating, scoring, and preparing written critiques for the Foundation's education grant applications. Study section review process is patterned after NIH grant review process.
    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: Expertise in one or more subspecialty areas and interest/experience in reviewing grants.
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: Approximately 20 hours to review and score grant applications and write reviews from February through March; and participation in a full day conference call or in person meeting at RSNA Headquarters in March/April.
    Responsible for the review and scoring of the R&E Foundation's Emerging Issues Grant application
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: 10 hours per year
    • Corresponding Members may be appointed.
    Responsible for reviewing and scoring Research Medical Student Grant applications.
    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: Expertise in one or more subspecialty areas and interest/experience in reviewing grants.
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: Approximately 20 hours to review and score applications within a 4-6 week timeframe in February/March.
    Responsible for evaluating, scoring, and preparing written critiques for the Foundation's radiation oncology research grant applications. Study section review process is patterned after NIH grant review process.
    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: Expertise in one or more subspecialty areas and interest/experience in reviewing grants.
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: Approximately 20 hours to review and score grant applications and write reviews from February through March; and participation in a full day conference call or in-person meeting at RSNA Headquarters in March/April.
    Responsible for evaluating, scoring, and preparing written critiques for the Foundation's radiology research faculty grant applications. Study section review process is patterned after NIH grant review process.
    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: Expertise in one or more subspecialty areas and interest/experience in reviewing grants.
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: Approximately 20 hours to review and score grant applications and write reviews from February through March; and participation in a full day conference call or in-person meeting at RSNA Headquarters in March/April.
    Responsible for evaluating, scoring, and preparing written critiques for the Foundation's radiology research trainee grant applications. Study section review process is patterned after NIH grant review process.
    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: Expertise in one or more subspecialty areas and interest/experience in reviewing grants.
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: Approximately 20 hours to review and score grant applications and write reviews from February through March; and participation in a full day conference call or in-person meeting at RSNA Headquarters in March/April.
    Public Relations Committee (7 Appointed Members)

    Responsible for developing recommendations and reviewing all public relations opportunities for the Foundation.

    • Qualifications/Selection Criteria: Interest in promoting outcomes of R&E grant recipients and desire to support the mission of the R&E Foundation
    • Time Commitment/Expectations: Approximately 6 hours, including review of materials and participation in two 1-hour teleconferences throughout the year.