
Quantitative Imaging Committee (QUIC)

Responsible for demonstrating the value and practicality of quantitative imaging biomarkers within radiology and the broader medical community, specifically (a) educating the radiology community about the importance of quantitative imaging (QI), availability of QI Profiles, and tools to encourage standardization, (b) assembling QI stakeholders to assess status and needs/gaps in QI, (c) collaborating with imaging organizations and vendors to promote QI and standardization, (d) promoting the association of QI for AI among RSNA members, (e) outreach to stakeholders to proactively address end-user needs and advance the adoption of Profiles, including stakeholders from academia, industry, regulatory agencies, patient advocacy groups, and medical imaging societies.

Tammie S. Benzinger, MD, PhD, Co-Chair
Saint Louis, MO

Paul E. Kinahan, PhD, Co-Chair
Seattle, WA

Amy M. Fowler, MD, PhD, Member
Madison, WI

Marta E. Heilbrun, MD, MS, Member
Murray, UT

Jana Ivanidze, MD, PhD, Member
Larchmont, NY

Karen G. Ordovas, MD, MS, Member
Seattle, WA

Claude B. Sirlin, MD, Member
San Diego, CA

Gregory V. Goldmacher, MD, PhD, Special Guest-Industry/Pharma
Lincoln, MA

Nancy A. Obuchowski, PhD, MS, Special Guest-Biostatistician/DataScientist
Cleveland, OH

Masoom A. Haider, MD, Science Council Representative
Toronto, ON canada

R. Kent Hutson Jr, MD, RIC Member
Palmer Lake, CO

Cynthia H. McCollough, PhD, AAPM Representative
Byron, MN

Carolyn C. Meltzer, MD, Board Liaison
Los Angeles, CA

Fiona Miller , Staff Contact
Oak Brook, IL