Informatics Policy Committee/RIC
Responsible for (a) identifying and tracking national and international health informatics policy initiatives with informatics-related implications; (b) assessing informatics policy impact on RSNA members, programs, and collaborations; (c) informing the RIC to ensure that appropriate actions are considered and recommended to the RSNA Board; (d) summarizing informatics policy developments for RSNA publications; and (e) supporting RSNA's efforts to promote consistent messaging with other radiology organizations. Member duties: advising the RIC regarding changes and developments in health policy regulations; contributing expertise to informatics projects
Po-Hao Chen, MD, MBA, Chair
Cleveland, OH
Shinjini Kundu, MD, PhD, Vice-Chair
St. Louis, MO
William Auffermann, MD, PhD, Member
Salt Lake City, UT
Namita S. Gandhi, MD, MSc, Member
Cleveland, OH
David R. Gruen, MD, MBA, Member
Weston, CT
George L. Shih, MD, MS, Member
New York, NY
Adam E. Flanders, MD, Board Liaison
Philadelphia, PA
Chris Carr , Staff Contact
Oak Brook, IL