
International Advisory Committee (IAC)

Responsible for (a) coordinating activities of the Regional Committees; (b) providing advice to the RSNA Board on the certain issues, RSNA activities, and programs -- including publications, governance, educational programs (including those outside the annual meeting and web-based resources), science and research, annual meeting, and promotion of RSNA membership, products, and services internationally -- particularly as they impact international radiologists, RSNA members, and RSNA annual meeting attendees; and (c) developing topics to be discussed at the international trends meeting held in conjunction with the RSNA annual meeting.

Harriet C. Thoeny, MD, Chair
Bern, switzerland

Jean-Pierre Tasu, MD, PhD, International Radiology Education Cmte Chair
Poitiers, france

Swee T. Quek, FRCR, MBBS, Asia/Oceania Regional Committee Chair
Singapore, singapore

Danny H. Cho, FRCR, MBBS, Asia/Oceania Regional Committee Vice-Chair
Kowloon, hong kong

Federica Vernuccio, MD, Europe Regional Committee Chair
Palermo, PA italy

Ignacio Rossi, MD, Latin America Regional Committee Chair
Buenos Aires City, CF argentina

Felipe Aluja, MD, MEd, Latin America Regional Committee Vice-Chair
Bogota, colombia

Sucari Vlok, MBChB, MMed, Middle East/Africa Regional Committee Chair
Tygerberg, south africa

Jorge A. Soto, MD, Board Liaison
Boston, MA

Meredith McNeil , Staff Contact
Oak Brook, IL